The 20-Minute Workout | by Eileen Hennemann Allan StanleyJanuary 26, 2019Blog, 20-minute workout, eileen hennemann, quick studies
The Little Gull | … I watched her and she watched me ... | by Kaija Savinainen Mountain Allan StanleyJanuary 7, 2019The Little Gull, Kaija, Kaija Savinainen Mountain, Porphyry Island
A Healthy Apple Wish Allan StanleyJanuary 3, 2019Blog, Apple, Oil Painting, The ten collective, Eileen Hennemann, Happy new year!
Marina (Malvada) May Raike shares the connection of two investors with her work. Allan StanleyDecember 25, 2018Blog, Marina, Marina Malvada, sold, two paintings
Two More Sold! | An Exhibition of Paintings by Kaija Savinainen-Mountain Allan StanleyDecember 22, 2018Kaija Savinainen Mountain, MemoryScape, winter, art in the manor, aim, art show, exhibit, exhibition
Marina Malvada | Recognition | Update Allan StanleyDecember 5, 2018Marina Malvada, Recognition, The Manor, exhibit, Update
INVITATION | An Exhibition of Paintings by Kaija Savinainen-Mountain Allan StanleyDecember 5, 2018Kaija Savinainen Mountain, MemoryScape, winter, art in the manor, aim, art show, exhibit, exhibition
ROSEMARY LEACH | Winter Painting Workshop | Saturday, January 26 and Sunday, January 27, 2019 | Allan StanleyNovember 21, 2018Rosemary Leach, Blog, Workshop, January 2019, January 2019 workshop
Come & Sing for the HUB! A Musical Fundraiser in Almonte | with Jennifer Noxon Allan StanleyNovember 15, 2018The Big Sing, Blog, Jennifer Noxon, arttist, musician, songwriter, Fundraiser, The Hub, Almonte, Rhythm & Song
"LUCK!" and the "Final Descent 8" Allan StanleyNovember 12, 2018Eleanor Doran, blog, Final Descent 8, Luck!, Ottawa Arts Council, December 6
INVITATION | Exhibition of Paintings by Marina Malvada | Meet the Artist Allan StanleyNovember 6, 2018Fairview ManorMarina Malvada, Invitation, Exhibition, Manor in Almonte, November 22, Recognition
The Good Lands: Canada Through the Eyes of Artists Allan StanleyOctober 31, 2018blog, the good lands, jennifer noxon
How to Talk to an Artist Allan StanleyApril 28, 2018how to talk to an artist, blog, the ten collectiveComment
Painting with Katherine McNenly | One of The Ten Collective Artists Allan StanleyMarch 26, 2018Blog, Katherine McNenly, workshop, Perley Rideau, The Ten Collective
The Interview | Live on ROGERS tv with Dylan Black | Ottawa Daytime | March 22, 2018 Allan StanleyMarch 23, 2018Blog, ROGERStv, The Interview, Daytime Ottawa, The Ten Collective
Measureables | by Rosemary Leach | Artist | The Ten Collective Allan StanleyMarch 21, 2018Blog, Rosemary Leach, Measureables, The Ten Collective