Ten Canadian Artists | Ten Styles of Painting


Come & Sing for the HUB! A Musical Fundraiser in Almonte | with Jennifer Noxon

When you visit Jennifer Noxon’s website you will see that she wears two hats, each with equal and superb skill. In addition to her creative artistic projects Jennifer has a strong musical passion that doesn’t cease to amaze with her song writing and performing, and there are several choirs who are fortunate enough to have Jennifer as an instructor as well. Check out: http://www.jennifernoxon.com/choir/

Coming up this December Jennifer, one of The Ten Collective artists, will be teaching a potentially large group of people to sing together, many for the first time. This is an event I know I won’t miss. It’s fun! People are friendly and supportive. And, best of all, it’s for the Hub, an organization “dedicated to serving the most vulnerable in their community.”


Come & Sing for the HUB! A Musical Fundraiser

All are welcome!

Singers of all stripes, ages, and abilities are invited to come and celebrate our community on. No experience is necessary. Songs will be easy-to-learn and taught through call and response in two to four-part harmony. You'll be surprised at how quickly we can make beautiful music together. 

The session will be led by Jennifer Noxon of Rhythm & Song Community Choir. There is no formal performance so come and sing for the fun of it! This is an event for singers only. There is no audience component. :

Almonte Old Town Hall Auditorium 

Sunday, December 16th from 2-:00-4:00 pm

Doors open at 1:30pm. Singing begins at 2:00pm SHARP! 

Wear comfy shoes and please bring your own drinking water. 

We will stand to sing, but seating will be available for those who need to sit. 


All proceeds go to The Hub’s renovation project. www.thehubalmonte.com

Questions? Contact Jennifer at randsalmonte@gmail.com
