Ten Canadian Artists | Ten Styles of Painting


Workshop in Newboro | Kathy McNenly

This past summer I was invited to teach two work-shops. One was still life and the other portraits. Both were introductory classes for the beginner or more advanced painter.

It has been quite a while since I have taught a full workshop. My schedule has been so busy the last few years, I have not had the time to teach a multi day workshop.

I had forgotten how exhausting it is for both the instructor and the student. There is so much information to get through and at the same time, you want it to be enjoyable. All the participants were complete beginners which made it easier to start with the absolute basics with everyone and progress through the steps of creating a painting in oil in a traditional manner.

The Still life class was great fun for the students, as they were able to pick from a variety of subjects and design their own still life. Every student had a shadow box and easel and natural light, which is always wonderful to use if possible.

I showed them how to first arrange a still life with some background on the principles of composi-tion. I then gave them a crash course on drawing from life and transferring the drawing to the can-vas.

We covered materials, colour mixing, under-painting and form painting to make your objects look more three dimensional. I love teaching stu-dents, especially beginners. I find it amazing how well they can do with some structure and a process to take things one step at a time. This helps simplify something which can be quite difficult to grasp.

All the students were very keen and I was amazed at the level of concentration they displayed. They were at the easels all day and took almost no breaks. Stone Manor Studios is a creation of Kim Lulashanyk. (…located in Newboro.)

She is a potter and painter from Ottawa, who wanted to create a space for artists and artisans to hold workshops for the public. Her husband and her bought a beautiful property in Newboro and converted a carriage house into a studio. She is an incredible host. The meals and snacks provided are amazing. It is a perfect place for workshops and they go on all year. Check them out! Katherine McNenly

Allan Stanley2025