Ten Canadian Artists | Ten Styles of Painting


One Mountain. One Sea. A series, from 2020-2022 or until…. | Amelia Ah You

One Mountain. One Sea

As I am in the process of mourning the loss of my partner and friend who died on February 16, 2020, time in my studio is a refuge as I continue to work on a series of paintings and drawings.

When the Covid-19 Pandemic was declared in March 2020, I named the first painting and the series One Mountain. One Sea.

The series is in honour of my partner, myself, and a nod to our ‘Collective Grief’.

During the lockdown, I felt strength and courage arise in my own struggles by knowing that others were also struggling - different but same, same. As the silence of the lockdown fell, I felt like the world united with boundless human kindness and respect for one another.

I am grateful for my solitary time in my studio and my walks in nature; my connection with family and friends on zoom and the myriad of inspiration and knowledge imparted online and from the collection of books in my library.

The series One Mountain. One Sea is a dedication to human resilience – each one of us to stand solid like a Mountain and powerful and fluid, like an ever-changing Sea.

“What were you before you met me?”

"I think I was drowning"

"And what are you now?"


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