Ten Canadian Artists | Ten Styles of Painting


Common Art-Hanging Mistakes & Quiz | submitted by Lily Swain

courtesy of apartment therapy

courtesy of apartment therapy

An article on the apartment therapy website struck us as something worthwhile sharing. It addresses several mistakes we all (yes, even artists) make at some time when we go to hang our favourite artwork. The painting or photo could have been quite an investment and we want to share it with every visitor in addition to enjoying it all by ourselves. But it has be positioned in. the. perfect. place.

The article shares how to avoid placement mistakes and gives actual measurements to help out (if we don’t have that perfect brain balance to actually “eyeball” distances on our own).

There’s a quiz that may have value to you. It’s quick, fun and very informative.

Mistake #1: Hanging art too high
Mistake #2: Choosing art that's too small for the space

Quiz: Too High, Too Low, Or Just Right? A Quiz to Test How Well You "Eyeball" the Best Height to Hang Art

Lily Swain | Mixed Media

Lily Swain | Mixed Media

Allan Stanley