Ten Canadian Artists | Ten Styles of Painting


Deadlines ~ by Jill Halliday

Write a blog. Just write a blog. Jill. Just write a darned blog! What’s wrong with you?! Ordinarily, “you” is your favourite subject, yet here you sit. Stumped. The Boss said she needs relevant and interesting content for our website, and then attached a reasonable deadline

“Deadlines”. You used to crush deadlines. Think back to your years in the animation industry when you were a busy young player in a fast paced, competitive, crazy hard job with unforgiving deadlines. You never missed one. Not one. Not. One. In fact, you did that with a cheerful attitude to beat! Ha! No joke. Those qualities made you sought after young talent. There were plenty of hot shots who were more accomplished artists, but who were difficult to work with with their big shiny ego heads, and dumb sulky attitudes. Turned out, you worked in animation steadily for over twenty years, not just because you could do a good job, but because you were cheerful, nice to work with, and never missed a deadline.Huh. 

Maybe you should write about that. 

Jill Halliday’s BIO is here:>
Jill Holiday’s Gallery is here:>

Allan Stanley