Pride in Ownership | by Charlie Spratt
I get it. I understand that there are some people that have little or no interest in art, unaware that owning an original piece of art can be both satisfying and rewarding.
Charlie Spratt
I’m not talking about posters or our grandchildren’s school art on the fridge door; they have their own rewards. Rather, I have in mind a special painting, thoughtfully placed on a wall or a sculpture purposefully presented: treasures, that the owner admires each day as the morning sun lightens up their home or office, reminding them of the time when they were thrilled to purchased it or, grateful for the gift passed down to them. Framed prints count as well, specially if the original was done by a recognized artist, but originals clearly have one-of-a-kind impact. The monetary value isn’t important.
I can clearly feel my host’s excitement, as I am directed to their special painting or sculpture and I warm to the privilege of sharing in the details of it’s history. It is extra special when I recognize one of my own paintings, occasionally, one that I haven’t seen for years!
In any case, whether it is a collection or just a single painting, the sparkle of pride and pleasure of ownership is evident in the eyes of the owner, revealing a common interest and a commitment to art. They too, understand that their lives are the richer through learning about art history, ownership and taking the opportunities to meet contemporary artists and to see their work.
The yearly Ten Collective Art Exhibition at the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum in Almonte, ON, will be offering a chance to meet ten serious local artists and their latest work in a comfortable, bright setting with free parking and no admission fee. April 22 & 23, 2023.
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Charlie Spratt’s Website is here:>