Contemporary Impressionism | Charlie Spratt | Artist | The Ten Collective
Impressionism is a 19th-century art movement characterized by relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, open composition, emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities, . . . Wikipedia
[they] loosened their brushwork and lightened their palettes to include pure, intense colors. . . Scientific thought at the time was beginning to recognize that what the eye perceived and what the brain understood were two different things. The Impressionists sought to capture the former - the optical effects of light - to convey the passage of time, changes in weather, and other shifts in the atmosphere in their canvases. The Art Story
The phrase “Contemporary Impressionism”, I feel, describes my work on several fronts. Starting in the 1860s in the time of Monet, Renoir, and others in France and assisted by the inventions of the screw-top paint tube and flat brushes, Impressionism has remained in favour with the public to this day: stronger than ever if you considered today’s record auction prices.
For artists seeking to express their wonder of our natural world, it is important that they immerse themselves in the outdoors and paint en Plein air as part of the process, using their senses of sight, sound, and smell while listening to their inner voice.
I hope that my art resonates with others in the same way. It will be such a positive experience to show with the Ten Collective this year.
Demo in Spencerville