Ten Canadian Artists | Ten Styles of Painting


September Painting Workshop FULL | Register now for late November

The September Workshop was filled very quickly. Click here to read details of the late November workshop.

“Rosemary Leach’s paintings explore the rich character of familiar objects.” Rosemary’s paintings tell a story. They invite you in, encourage questions and your own stories that connect with the scene. And Rosemary’s workshops do much the same. They are welcoming, encouraging enlightening and very popular. If interested in registering, full details are available here: September 2019 Painting Workshop

Rosemary’s paintings are featured in collections from California to the east coast of Canada, in the UK and in Europe. You can see more of her work here and on her professional website: rosemaryleach.com

Rosemary’s Annual Open Studio is November 8 (vernissage), 9 & 10. More information is available here: 2019 Annual Open Studio

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