Ten Canadian Artists | Ten Styles of Painting


Interview of Rosemary Leach | photo and article credit: Amy Hogue, Metroland Media

Almonte artist, Rosemary Leach, has been living in Mississippi Mills for more than two decades, and is a fixture in the local art scene. Her paintings, which she describes as contemporary impressionist, have been shown in galleries in Montreal, Toronto, and Ottawa, and her work is collected across Canada and around the world. 

Leach explained that she and her husband moved to Mississippi Mills more than 20 years ago in part because of the small town’s authenticity in a world that seemed to run at so fast a pace. Since their leap into the Mississippi Mils community, Leach has had ready access to her favourite subject matter for paintings, found in the many heritage homes in the area.

Painting: 24 x 36 | Glass of Water

Painting: 24 x 36 | Glass of Water

Leach describes her subjects as “soulful objects,” or everyday objects that are looked at in a new way. “There’s a utilitarian aesthetic in these old houses and pieces of everyday furniture,” Leach explained, “My interest in soulful objects fit in nicely with this part of the world.”

Leach’s fascination with these subjects has led to works of art that take the viewer deeper into the ordinary in order to find the extra-ordinary. When painting these everyday objects, Leach allows herself the chance to truly explore them, and to experience them through hours and hours of thoughtful contemplation.

“People who collect my work often express how the work moves them to a more present space,” Leach said, “My work is really very much about celebrating quiet moments and an appreciation for a more mindful way of living in a culture that really celebrates speed.”

Leach paints in a studio in her home and visitors are welcome to contact her to arrange a viewing.