Ten Canadian Artists | Ten Styles of Painting


An Authentic Exploration of Letting Go | Lily Swain | Artist | The Ten Collective

What seemed like a simple choice to paint a feather happened to be a catalyst for a major shift in my work. When I first attempted to render a feather I was captivated by its deceptive complexity. The more I looked the more intricate it became and I was forced to explore new ways of representing an object I thought I knew so well. I had to really observe and visually interpret what I saw, not what I thought a feather should look like. This marked a more focused and contemplative approach to my work. I consider these pieces to be a part of my meditation practice; quiet, soft and still. This mindful approach has given me a satisfying way of working and a new outlook that I apply to other subject matter. I am inspired by objects from the natural world for their simple yet extraordinary features. Feathers, foliage and bones are exceptional examples of nature’s most beautiful and complex creations.

This new body of work is an authentic exploration of letting go and expressing vulnerability. Letting my heart break wide open to receive, learn and heal.
